Friday, June 22, 2012

Farming To Increase Profits

Farming To Increase Profits

During the time i have played wow as a gold maker i have found that crafting can be profitable and using addons to find out how much you should pay for each mat to make the most profit out of what you are crafting. I realized that some of the addons were very useful but i found myself sitting at the AH all day buying mats to craft more and more. I still have lots of mats sitting in my multiple banks awaiting my return so that i may use them to craft or sell in bulk as raw materials at a profitable margin.

This brings me to the part where i get out of the AH and the city and decide i need to stop spending so much especially for a  % of profit. What if..i know this sounds crazy and all but, what if i farmed the mats i needed to make all those scrolls and all those gems and all those glyphs or whatever it is i want to craft to make a few extra copper. Crazy i know, but it just so happens to work and it's not as bad as it sounds.  farming = (100% profit)  -  (time it took you) + (gold saved sitting at ah finding deals on mats). this is not a formula i would use in any strict manner but hey, looks good to me. When you return to the AH and you craft everything and get it all up on the AH you can spend that time you sit on the AH worrying about prices on mats, out and about farming up what is needed to keep the high profits coming in.

I am not saying that it is a bad idea to buy mats off the AH, but i am saying that you can save gold and increase profits by getting out and exploring Azeroth by farming.

If you have any great farming spots you would like share please leave a comment with what material it is and where it can be farmed at, along with any other details you can give such as where you got your info or possible requirements for said farming spots.

A few farming spots i can think of is for starters, Silithus which not only has some great rare spawns to farm transmog gear on the entire map but North West corner at The Crystal Vale, where you can kill air elementals to get Essence of Air which is needed for enchanting to make the BOA,  [Enchanting: Enchant Weapon - Agility]. I also enjoy taking a treasure potion and farming in Uldum just west of where you spawn from taking the portal over at Orsis where many air elementals are located. It is a really nice place to farm Volatile Earth at. Both of these materials i have mentioned can be produced by using an Alchemist's Transmutes however the Water to Air transmute is a waste in my opinion unless you have multiple Alchemists as it uses up your daily cooldown on transmute. The Volatile Air can be obtained from  [Alchemy: Transmute: Living Elements] by taking 15 Volatile Life and casting your transmute: living elements while on the map of Uldum however you will only get about 15 each time sometimes more sometimes less. I feel this is another waste as i can farm up 40-50+ Volatile Air in one hour of farming at Orsis.

I hope you enjoyed this short tid bit on farming for profit. If you enjoyed it and would like to see me in motion and hard at... *cough cough* work you can find me streaming once in a while at Make sure to leave a comment and follow my blog here on and to follow me as well on and as well @shannonlasell. Thanks and have a great day/night.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shannon's Addon List

Shannon's Shenangans Addon List

mail opener
mr plow
reagent restocker
recipeprofit (for gathermate2)
the undermine journal GE
trade forwarder
tradeskillmaster accouting
tradeskillmaster auctionDB
tradeskillmaster auctioning
tradeskillmaster crafting
tradeskillmaster destroying
tradeskillmaster itemtracker
tradeskillmaster mailing
tradeskillmaster shipping
tradeskillmaster warehousing

Monday, May 14, 2012

Long Term VS Short Term Investment

Long Term VS Short Term Investments
In World of Warcraft

by Shannon Lasell

 Hello and i am very sorry for the lack of recent blog posts but i have a special article for you to read today about the difference of long term investment and short term investment and how that can effect your overall profit each day in and out of the auction house. I hear a lot of people complain about how some items do not sell very well and that it is not worth selling, whereas other items are worth selling because they sell very quickly and for a high amount of profit total NET. Now let us step back and think about the negative and positive side to thinking this way and then i will tell you my opinion on what is the best way to make the most profit based on these complaints and opinions of others.

 First i want to talk about what is considered a long term investment and what is considered a short term investment in my opinion. A long term investment means that you will buy an item or materials to craft an item knowing that the overall outcome will be indeed profitable with no doubt within a small margin for error and that this item will indeed knowingly sell within a long period of time, which could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, up to a few week. A short term investment means that you will buy an item or materials to craft an item knowing that the overall outcome will be indeed profitable with no doubt within a small margin for error and that this item will indeed knowingly sell within a short period of time, (usually within the same day or the next).

 I would go into exact items that are considered long and short term investments, however it decided to go more into why its important to learn about the 2 and how it effects your total earned profit per day/week/month. If you are receiving 20k a day from just shuffling ore and selling raw materials you might be happy with it cause you don't wake up with any left overs. But what if you took some of them and make enchant scrolls along with what you were selling every day and a few a day started selling throughout the week. This total possible profit that could be earned could turn into the equivalent of more markets with half the efforts since you only need to make long term investment items once or so a week but waking up to 30k a day instead of 20k sure is nice.

Long Term Investment ideas....
Phat Lewts of brought up the point of 77-80 twink gear and i would like to add that all leveling and twink gear in general are great investments for the long term, though some might have a larger profit margin than others.

Farli made a good point that even though an item might be short term during it's time doesn't mean that if you hold onto it for a long term period it will lose value or be any harder to sell. As he stated in his comment about Essence of Air and how the drop rate changed and its demand grew. When Supply decreases but demand increases then you have an item that has gained in value. More people should be aware of how long term and short term investments can effect the over all profit of said item. 

Short Term Investment ideas...
  • Glyphs
  • Trade Goods
    • Elementals
    • Cloth
    • Leather
    • Metal & Stone
    • Meat
    • Herbs
    • Enchanting Materials
    • Jewelcrafting Raw Gems
    • Engineering Parts
  • Item Enhancements
    • Cut Gems
    • Enchanting Scrolls
      • BoA
      • Twink
      • Current Raiding
  • Consumables
  • Alchemy Transmutes Phat Lewts of ( )
Phat Lewts of   gave us his idea about short term investment by bringing up uses for Alchemy such as transmutes. I could see in my opinion the use of transmute elementals, gems and bars being all valid short term investment ideas and is indeed a profitable profession ability in general.

    Blog Post Submission Noobness.

    I would like your ideas and input so i can quickly edit and update the post to add yourself and your opinion on the subject. All you need to do is leave a comment titled somewhere in the comments below,  "Long Term Submission" or "Short Term Submission" with your idea of what else should be added and any other comments or thoughts.

    Reader Submissions

    Phat LewtsMay 15, 2012 7:05 AM
    Long Term Submission:

    77-80 twink gear. Although it sells pretty regularly, you need a large amount of stock before you get daily sales.

    I also feel like Alchemy cooldowns should be somewhere in there, most likely short term, although truegold has been suggested many a time as an inflation buster for MoP.

    Side rant: Power leveling any profession to 525 is a "long term" investment. You don't make all your gold back in one sitting, and most of it will be made over a (very) long period of time.

    farli May 17, 2012 1:33 AM

    Trade Goods elementals

    Think of Essence of Air during wotlk you could farm up 80-90 per hour now its more like 10-15 per hour. Drop rates change.
    Eternal Earth was going for around 1g each in wotlk now i sell it for 30-50g.
    Primal Air (primal might), Living Essence (engi toad)

    Holding on to this sort of material can really pay off as long as there is still a use for the item.

    Saturday, April 28, 2012

    Transmog Shopping List's For TSM

    Transmog Shopping List's For TSM (Trade Skill Master) Addon

    Some items in the code are from Faid and some are from the Keelhaul tier list made for Auctionator i put into a TSM list properly. If any questions or concerns please feel free to comment and tell your friends about how amazing and good looking i am.

    How to import shopping lists in TSM:

    Step 1: open TSM ( /tsm) and click on Shopping Options
    Step 2: Click Shopping Lists to open the import settings on the left side of TSM

    Step 3: Click on the Import Shopping List button and input the code i have given below into the required field and name it accordingly.

    Step 4: Press accept in both fields and press the import button to complete the import process.

    Step 5: Browse through the list to see what you want to remove.

    Step 6:  If you have a lot of competition on your server for Transmogrification you might want to stick to only Legs and Chest pieces so going through this list and removing items might be more beneficial other wise keep it the way it is and just buy what you want once you search.

    Step 7: Now go to the Auction House and open the TSM tab on the far bottom right. At the top you will see a button called "Show Saved Searches" click that to open your lists you have either created or imported. Now just click the list name in the window frame "Shopping/Dealfinding Lists" to begin searching for your beautiful shiny treasures. 


    Leather Transmog Shopping List:

    Cloth Transmog Shopping List:

    Mail Transmog Shopping List:

    Plate Transmog Shopping List:

    Weapons & Shield Shopping List:

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    Professions 101 For Profit: Alchemy

    Professions 101 For Profit:
    Alchemy with Shannon's Shenanigans


     Alchemy is a profession that requires mostly Herbs which can be obtained from Herbalism among other miscellaneous materials. Alchemy uses these materials to create a variety of items in the game.


     Elixirs are made using mainly Herbs around the same Level of the Elixir being made. These Elixirs provide a variety  buffs which last for a long duration for the character when consumed, however these effects do not last  when the character dies. The benefit of Elixirs are that they have 2 seperate categories of which both can be consumed to obtain 2 seperate buffs for the character. The categories are Guardian Elixir and the other is Battle Elixir. A Guardian Elixir gives the character a defensive type buff, where as the Battle Elixir gives the character an offensive type buff and when combined properly can compliment eachother very well when fighting enemies.


     Flasks are made using mainly Herbs around the same Level of the Flasks being made. The Flasks provide a variety of strong buffs which will last after the character has died. Like the Elixirs the Flasks offer a long buff duration, however unlike the Elixirs there is only one category and so only one Flask at any given time may be used on the Character.


     Potions are made using mainly Herbs around the same Level of the Potions. Potions provide a short duration buff but offer a extremely useful and strong buff for many in combat and out of combat situations.


     Transmute is an ability Alchemists have that can take one material and convert it into another material. There are specific Transmutes that Alchemists can learn which can do a number of actions. Alchemists can Transmute Bars created from Smelting Ore (Smelting is an ability Miners have to turn Ore into Bars) and Several different Elemental materials as well. Alchemists can also Transmute  Raw Gems (Gems can be obtained by the process of Prospecting using Jewelcrafting) into higher quality Raw Gems.
     Alchemists can currently learn the skill Mixology which makes the effects of Flasks/Elixirs/Potions last longer and more effective. Alchemists can also create their own Trinkets which are created to improve the Character's stats as far as gear goes and also increase the effects of Flasks/Elixirs/Potsions.
     Alchemists currently have 3 specializations they can choose from, such as Elixirs (and Flasks), Potions or Transmutation. These specializations help increase the chance of a extra creation of the item of the specialization.

    Making Gold with Alchemy

     Alchemy is not a very large market for making large amounts of gold but it is reliable since it is needed for many Raids and in some cases PVP. Making Flasks especially with main stats and putting up on the AH is going to help you out the most from what i have seen. The other option to making gold that most other do is Transmute. Transmute is great but can take over life quickly. I hear all the time about multiple Alchemists and this is a great idea....if you already have all of the other professions and it is purely exxtra profession. (i personally would go for JC for more cuts per day still). Transmuting can help with taking those uncommon gems from Cata Shuffling and making them into Rare Gem quality which i have said in the past main stats sell the best. You can also transmute bars such as Pyrium Bars these are usually much more than double the price of the ore but all servers prices will vary.

    Leveling Alchemy

     Leveling Alchemy can be tricky as any profession can be so i decided to use my favorite source to help me minimize time/waste and i will also be adding my own take on leveling as far as how to make gold while leveling Alchemy.

     I love and always use it as a source for the amount of items i need to properly level a profession. I suggest you go to Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 - 525 to get started on Leveling however i want you to know my take on risks and benefits of leveling Alchemy and how you can help yourself out by making gold on leveling Alchemy

     4I recommend if you are Leveling a new toon to pick Herbalism and Mining till you hit atleast level 40 and then drop Mining and then pick up Alchemy and use the saved up Herbs to level your Alchemy. Sell the materials you received on the AH or to someone you know will buy them. I personally would wait till you hit max level or close to it before dropping the other gathering profession as you gain Experience from Gathering Herbs/Ore from nodes and you Have more gold from the Mining as well.

     Note: If you plan on buying all the materials to quickly level the profession make sure not to go ahead and buy all the materials needed to level the profession all at once since you aren't 100% sure if you need that exact amount, you might get lucky or unlucky with the amount needed to continue leveling.